What do you say to the person in the mirror?

What do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror? "You're fat!" "You're ugly!" "You're old!" "You're disgusting!" We've all done it. We would never think of saying such things to a friend, but all bets are off when we stare at our reflections. We don't think we measure up to what society views as pretty. Check out this video to see this woman's take of things:

  I come across a lot of beautiful women who I would love to photograph who tell me, "Wait until I lose 10 pounds", or "I'm too old to be photographed", or "I don't want to break your camera." For whatever reason, they can't see their beauty. I can see the beauty in EVERY woman! And I love to help them see it too. Here is a video of three women I photographed in my studio:

The next time you look in the mirror, I hope you see your beauty.
